Monday 4 June 2012

Facebook finally improving the management of the parties

The ability to add posts with a future date and to give administrators fanpage'y functions greatly facilitate the promotion of the site Zuckerberg.

Facebook introduces a number of changes to streamline and simplify the management of party brands and companies. There were, among others options to give administrators fanpage'y specific powers. Chief Administrator may appoint moderators, advertisers, analysts and content creators. Each of these functions has limited capabilities, for example, statistics analyst can not add new content, a content creator can not manage your advertising.

The changes are important in so far as to permit the freer granting users access to the site. There is much less likely that someone from the staff will add unwanted entry, or delete something by accident. Access to all functions will have only the main administrator. When an error occurs or crisis, it will be able to respond to appropriate person.

This is not the end of the news, which introduces Zuckerberg. In the test phase it was possible to add entries to a future date. Importantly, the posts can publish as many as half a year in advance. For now, not all users are active this option. Set the date in the future post, users will see our message until a specified time. This will facilitate the work on weekends, or at the time of publishing, for example, contests, when every minute is important.

The downside to the introduction of the post with future date is the possibility of errors, which will be harder to immediately improve.

To date, the option to publish "in the future" was possible only by means of external tools. The site administrator or owner of the profile, for example, could benefit from HootSuite and publication schedule posts for the day. This approach is certainly easier to work, but it also has many drawbacks.

First of all post entries with a future date does not leave room for spontaneous elements, references to current events or user comments on an earlier entry. In addition, according to a survey conducted by HubSpot, posts published from the machine pick up much less clicks and "Like" - respectively 67 and 60 percent

Another major drawback is that the creator of the content of the publication of "the future", maybe less to engage the community - not least by the lack of quick comments and answers to your questions.

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