Friday 1 June 2012

CO to make the CLICK?:>

Recently we often meet with the slogans of training, books, lectures like "How to quickly attract fans?" Or "I now get a million fans." But now, in itself attract fans is a big challenge. The challenge is to encourage them to give up on our fan page'u, adding comments and click "I like it." As a fan of Page's lead we have to constantly listen to you - the consumer, provide valuable information, excitement and elements of surprise, so here are some universal ways to encourage their fans to interact.

Never stop listening
What are the benefits of owning your own Fan Page's for the company? Now is the perfect place to be able to learn something about yourself, about all the competition and the needs of the target group. Listening to the conversation is 50%, therefore being a good listener will make our fans will feel noticed.

Respond quickly to comments
Many brands do not use this option, but be aware that positive comments about your products / services are free advertising which is spreading among users for free. For example, when a customer enters the shop and says: "I love your products and I buy here often," or in this case we are not responsible? There is also on Facebook and we must respond, even a simple word: "Thank you".

And even more quickly to negative
Several years ago, when there were no electronic forms of communication, consumers wishing to share a negative opinion, send letters to the company, or contacted by telephone. In most cases, their frustrations, never saw the light of day. Currently in the Internet era, and especially social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) news spread like wildfire, so these negative comments are just as fast reply - the sooner the better.

Be honest and authentic
A few days ago we published a list of the most active sites on Facebook, where he was one actor - Vin Diesel. Why there is not even Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), and Kristen Stewart (Isabella Swan)? It should be noted that he is not, nor the best nor the most handsome actor in the world, but something attracts his fans and encourages them to conversation. As one of the few available pictures, videos with your family and personal thoughts, so that is considered the most authentic and credible actor on Facebook.

Publish constantly surprising and entertaining information
Given the above phrase is not only the ruling principle of social media, this is primarily a key principle which prevails in marketing. As an instance, the fan page's Cumberland Farms - Chill Zone. Until recently, when the party took another 30 thousand fans, the company suddenly announced that if you exceed 75 thousand fans, each of the users will get free products Chill Zone. What is the effect achieved? Well, now the site is nearly 145 000 fans, and this number is constantly growing.

Do not sell
In that case, after which the company has lead fan page, if you can not sell their products? Best when a company finds a happy medium, that is not adjusted to a sharp promote products and to encourage the purchase, but rather creates an easy opportunity to purchase products from time to time there will be little to suggest that this possibility exists.

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